Monday, March 2, 2009

New posts


Tiffinee said...

Hey Natalie! I actually have checked out your blog a few times before. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your wedding pics. My sister is getting married in Costa Rica next month, so it makes me excited for her wedding to see your gorgeous pics. Who took your pictures??

I tried to answer you before when you asked me this question, but I don't think you got it. I just got a new camera a couple of months's the Cannon 50D. I absolutely love it!! Before that I was using the Cannon Rebel XTI. I have a Tamron lens that is 28mm-300mm that I use most of the time becuase it's so versatile. I don't really know anything about photography, but I just like taking lots of pictures. I would love to take a class sometime. Nice to meet you fellow blogger!!